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Obuka i obrazovanje
Uz našu sveobuhvatnu HR uslugu, dobivate pristup boljim pogodnostima, plaćama bez stresa i administrativnim olakšicama.

Privremeno / Kontakt osoblje
Iskusni su nam rekli da Poslodavac može ostvariti značajnu korist u svom poslu ako radna snaga prođe neku osnovnu obuku
od strane kvalificiranih stručnjaka prije nego se pridruže svom poslu. Uz navedeno
spomenuti plan u ideji , Pokrenuli smo program briefinga i organizirali orijentacijski tečaj za odabrane kandidate koji bi mogao biti od pomoći poslodavcima koji imaju koristi od ove prilike kao što su:
1. Da im se kroz brifing pruži poznavanje dotičnog posla
koju izvode naši iskusni rukovoditelji.
2. Poštivati pravila i propise, društvene i običaje zemlje
zabrinuti i
3. Ukratko izvijestiti o klimatskim uvjetima zemlje koja zapošljava.
Identify Hiring needBefore hiring an applicant for a job position, an organization goes through a step-by-step process to find the most qualified candidate to fill the role. Though a search can take time, a rushed hire can lead to additional staff turnover and missed opportunity costs. By investing in a thorough and detailed hiring process, a hiring staff can make the right decisions and bring in talented professionals who will help the company grow.
Job AnalysisJob analysis helps in understanding what tasks are important and how to perform them. Its purpose is to establish and document the job relatednessof employment procedures such as selection, training, compensation, and performance appraisal. The following steps are important in analyzing a job - Recording and collecting job information Accuracy in checking the job information Generating job description based on the information Determining the skills, knowledge and skills, which are required for the job The immediate products of job analysis are job descriptions and job specifications.
Post and promote job openeingsThe job listing is advertised internally so current employees can apply and make referrals. Other avenues for promotion are the company's website, online job boards, social media, job fairs, and industry publications.
RecruitingThe job listing is advertised internally so current employees can apply and make referrals. Other avenues for promotion are the company's website, online job boards, social media, job fairs, and industry publications.
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